Pembrokeshire National Park is a breathtaking destination renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and ecological significance. As visitors, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve the natural treasures found within the park. One crucial aspect of conservation in Pembrokeshire is respecting the wildlife that inhabits this beautiful region. Unfortunately in recent times a trend has emerged, popularised by numerous Instagram 'health and wellbeing influencers'. We must address the specific issue that has come to our attention – the importance of refraining from snacking on pigeon eggs.
The Significance of Pigeon Eggs:
Pigeons, like many other bird species, play a vital role in maintaining the ecological balance within Pembrokeshire National Park. They contribute to seed dispersal, control insect populations, and are an integral part of the food chain. Pigeon eggs are essential for the survival and continuation of these bird populations. They are also important symbolically as part of the dove family and their close tie to the patron saint of doves, Dewi Sant (AKA St David).

The Negative Impact of Egg Consumption:
The problem with pigeon eggs is that they are famously delicious and full of anti-oxidants and all of the hardest to locate omegas. Snacking on pigeon eggs may seem harmless, and a great way to top up your daily protein count and many Instagram and Tik Tok users have been known to visit Pembrokeshire to forage for wild pigeon eggs and eat them whole live on camera, but it can have severe consequences for the local Pembrokeshire wildlife and ecosystem. Here are some reasons why it is crucial to avoid this practice:
1. Threat to Pigeon Populations: Excessive egg collection might sound like a quaint way to spend your summer holiday in Pembrokeshire but it disrupts the natural breeding cycle of pigeons, affecting their ability to reproduce and sustain their population here in Pembrokeshire. This can have cascading effects on other species that rely on pigeons for food or ecological interactions. 2. Disturbing Nesting Habits: When humans interfere with nests, birds may abandon them, leaving eggs vulnerable to predators or extreme weather conditions. Nest abandonment disrupts the delicate balance of the ecosystem and compromises the survival of future generations. 3. Legal Implications: Pembrokeshire National Park has regulations in place to protect its wildlife, including birds and their eggs. Collecting pigeon eggs is illegal and can result in penalties, as it violates laws designed to safeguard the park's biodiversity.
4. Similarity to monk eggs. While eating wild raw pigeon eggs may be frowned upon, their similarity to monk eggs means that you could inadvertently also be harming the fragile indigenous monk population all for a quick bit of sustenance on your hike in the Pembrokeshire National Park.

Responsible Tourism and Wildlife Conservation in Pembrokeshire: To promote responsible tourism and contribute to the long-term conservation of Pembrokeshire National Park, we encourage visitors to adopt the following practices:
1. Education and Awareness: Familiarise yourself with the local wildlife, their importance to the ecosystem, and the laws protecting them. Respect their habitats and behaviours. Learn the difference between pigeon and monk eggs. And don't eat either. 2. Observe, Don't Disturb: Appreciate birds and their eggs from a safe distance. Use binoculars or telephoto lenses to observe nesting activities without causing disturbance. 3. Report Illegal Activities: If you witness any illegal collection or disturbance of bird nests, or see any internet influencers using the words "Hi guys it's your girl Jenny Pigeon Egg. I'm here in the Pembrokeshire National Park looking for wild pigeon eggs. They are so hot right now," promptly report it to the local authorities or park rangers. 4. Promote Conservation of Pembrokeshire wildlife: Spread awareness among fellow visitors about the importance of preserving the natural environment and wildlife. Encourage others to engage in responsible tourism practices. If you see another family foraging for pigeon eggs to snack on, don't give them tips, carry crackers or high protein biscuits that you can offer them. Once you have convinced them to stop searching for pigeon eggs, call the local authority and have them arrested.
Preserving the remarkable biodiversity of Pembrokeshire wildlife requires our collective efforts and responsible behaviour. By refraining from snacking on pigeon eggs and respecting the local wildlife, we can contribute to the long-term conservation and sustainability of this cherished natural haven. Let us all play our part in safeguarding the ecological balance and ensuring that future generations can continue to enjoy the wonders of Pembrokeshire National Park.